Just because you have a small bathroom to renovate doesn’t mean you can’t have luxurious amenities… Like a Mr. Steam unit , in fact …. You SHOULD incorporate them to make up for the lack of space. Here is one of our projects where we didn’t let the size of the bathroom hold us back from creating a Spa retreat for our client. Adding a Mr. Steam unit with aroma therapy was as must. It is not only a health benefit , it also instantly increases the equity of your home , so it’s a win, win. Not to mention the luxury of having a “spa” at home.

Here’s just a few of our favorites benefits associated with Steam Bathing are:
Respiratory Health -opens up nasal passages
Skin Care – cleanses the skin
Holistic Health -removes toxins from body
Well- Being– relieves stress
Physical Wellness – increases blood circulation
There are SO many other benefits and reasons why a Mr. Steam unit is a MUST in your next renovation…check out this link here and see all the benefits for yourself.
This photo below shows you a BEFORE PHOTO of the renovated bathroom with steam unit above , we did push wall back 18″ simply to get more counter space at the vanity , but the shower/ tub area stayed the same 36″.
Before Renovation After Renovation
Techology and Advancements:
Having a steam unit is one thing…. having aromatherapy with it is even better …. BUT Mr. Steam units don’t Stop there…. You can also have Chroma Therapy system and also add Audio system . Best part is you can control from your smart phones. We just finished a project using the Audio System with Mr.Steam in shower ceiling speakers (which we will be photographing soon) and our client can not get enough of their new bathroom. We have given them a fully customized home sanctuary . As Mr. Steam describes on their website and gets into the history of it …. “Our contemporary need to find a tranquil escape in steam has extensive and long-standing roots. With latest the technology and advancements in plumbing , it is now so much more readily available to us … literally at our fingertips.
Of Course you DON’T have to renovate a bathroom to add a Mr. Steam unit , in fact… you can simply add one to an existing shower ….. That’s my next project …so I can show you in another blog post how easy it is.

Want to try out ? Use their Virtual Spa to see what it takes to get yours.
The Towel Warmer Collections from Mr. Steam is available in a variety of dimensions and finishes.
This new one from their Lexington collection, it has wider bars to extend warmth on towels, it’s the perfect enhancement for contemporary spa bathrooms. Comes with a digital timer allowing for convenient pre-start and automatic shutoff .
Mr. Steam is one the sponsors for Modenus BlogtourKBIS Orlando . I was very thankful to be included in this sponsored trip . I have always been a BIG Fan of their product and have been using it since I started in the design industry 20 something years ago . So I write this blogpost from first hand experience because I LOVE their product , NOT because they are a sponsor. I have spec’d their product many, many times and all my clients have been very pleased. I LOVE everything they do and stand for . WE LOVE Mr. Steam, because they make us all FEEL GOOD !